Go Campus Pioneers 2019!
When we have decided to organize this event, God told us that this is the generation He has chosen as “pioneers” to do unprecedented things for His kingdom.
When we have decided to organize this event, God told us that this is the generation He has chosen as “pioneers” to do unprecedented things for His kingdom.
The vision sharing of “One Way Parents Class” was held last Sunday with full house in the Mercy Seat. Followed a playlet was the testimony from Eben’s family of four.
From 9th to 12th May, our church held 5 sessions of Kingdom Worship Conference and 4 sessions of church anniversary celebration service.
The camp was held in Kuala Lumper, Malaysia, from 29 Apr to 1 May. The teacher team was headed by Pastor Joshua and C-Mo, joined by Pastors Johnny and Kelly,
The first Cell Leader Ordination Ceremony of 2019 successfully completed on 31/3, ordaining 62 cell leaders including 9 co-workers and 10 couples.
“Acceptable 2019”, ANEW finds great “Acceptance” from God as we pulled off a musical for the very first time! The cast and crew were thrilled to bits to celebrate the Purim through the musical. The team was indeed of all nations, including members from Indonesia, the Philippines, Australia, Japan and Hong Kong. English was not our first language and yet everyone willingly and happily put in their best. The Japanese brother didn’t expect to play a role. But as he did, he thoroughly enjoyed it! With only three rehearsals before the actual performance, everyone was largely thankful to be able to […]
Last Sunday, Pastor Joshua heartily announced the successful completion of phase four of “Zechariah Church Building Revival Project” and the official start of the fifth phase, a milestone of Church Building. The fifth phase mainly includes two parts: purchase and exploration of the “Garden Eden” in Cheung Chau, and the renovation of Yong Ya multimedia centre. The land purchased in Cheung Chau is over 160,000 sq. ft. Apart from agricultural use and rebuilding the existing licensed houses, we expect to apply for changing the usage of part of the land to build retreat site for cell groups, healing ministry and […]
MG Leader Cherry continued sharing about her discipleship: “I always pray for my disciples and cell members. When they do not want to listen to me, l pray for them. Some disciples and cell members are of broken lives and lowly backgrounds. I don’t know how to help them. In times to wage wars for them, to bless or intercede for them, or when their marriage is on the brink of breaking down, I always pray. God has given me a love that never gives up so that I always kneel before the Lord, weeping and crying out for them. […]
Sharing from MG leader Cherry Wong Pastor Joshua and C-Mo are my role models in discipleship. They regard every staff and each of their spiritual children good. Despite our lowly lives, they trust that we are good. Therefore, I learn to treat all my spiritual children the same way, believing that they are excellent, humble, gentle and kind. I love them and take them as my own biological children. We share jokes, play together and go on retreat to Taiwan and Korea. After retreats, my relationship with my disciples has deepened a lot. Out of my love for my disciples, […]
My name is Juliet Lu, a cell member of Jerylyn Baligod in ANEW. In the past, I was in deep fear and worries. At the age of 15, I was told that I did not have long to live. But by God’s Grace, He preserves my life. When I turned 17, I was working in Manila and met my Taiwanese ex-husband.I moved to Taiwan and we had some happy times, but that did not last long because my husband beat me up after he was drunk even when I was pregnant. After much struggle, we are divorced leaving my child […]