Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Mal 3:10
Thank you, Brothers and Sisters, for your offerings. May God remember your offering!

FPS (Fast Payment System) ID:9909771
Please fill in your 611ID
- How to register FPS? [ HSBC | BOC | Hang Seng | Standard Chartered ]
- How to use FPS?

In thePPS systemput in merchant number 9600 and your 611 ID. If you do not have one or you have forgotten, please click below to register / enquire:

Give Online
Brothers and sisters home and abroad are welcome to bring their offerings online via various means, including Visa, Master, JCB, UnionPay Credit Card, AlipayHK, WeChat Pay, BoC Pay, and UnionPay.
- If you have a 611ID, please fill it in as your Donor No.
- How to use online giving platform?

Bank Transfer
Account Name:611 Bread of Life Christian Church Limited
Bank Name:HSBC, Hong Kong
Account Number::032-861296-001
Bank Code: 004
After transfer, please e-mail to or complete this form, and send together with the proof of transfer and mark the type of offering.

Cheque Payment
Payable to “611 Bread of Life Christian Church Limited“. Please mark at the back of the cheque your 611 ID, type of offering and the amount before posting to our Church.
【Type of offerings】十一 Tithe、感恩 Thanksgiving、建殿 Church Building、慈惠 Mercy Fund、辦學 Education、植堂宣教 Church Planting、611學房 611 Bible School、醫治中心Healing Centre或其他 Others

Cash Offering
Please take it to church from 9am to 8pm Tuesday to Saturday or 8am to 6pm Sunday.Warm Reminder
- It is only for the Hong Kong citizens
- Don’t post any cash
- To ensure that the annual offering receipts are well received by post, please fill in the below “Change of Details Form” asap if there is any change of your personal particulars.
How to give online
Fill in Donation Type, Amount, and choose Donation Method.

Fill in your Name, contact No. and Email. And fill in Donor No. with your 611ID.

Noted that if your country code is not in the options, please fill your country code and phone number in the text filed.
Fill in credit card info.


How to use FPS
Many banks have opened the application of “FPS service” for their customers. Account holders may download their bank’s “personal banking app,” and visit the “New Setup” page for FPS and follow the application steps.
Process may vary depending on your service provider.
Open the personal banking App, then choose the “FPS webpage” from the menu.

Check the filled information and click “Confirm”.

You may capture the “successful fund transfer” message for your record.