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Proverbs 23

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

Return to the bosom of the Father

回到天父的懷抱 Return to the bosom of the Father 怎樣才能有單純的心? 張牧師將帶我們一同回到天父的懷抱裡,領受兒子的心! 經文:路Luke 15:11-32; 出Exo 20:1-3 1. 成為 pure and simple的兒子 (v.11-19) Become the pure and simple son a. 不要看利益過於關係 (v.11-12) Do not value interest over relationship b. 不要看doing過於 being (v.13-19) Do not value doing above being 2. 回應天父的愛與信任 (v.20-22; 25-31) Respond to the love and trust of the Father a. 要接受 Receive (v.20-22) b. 不要拒絕 Do not reject (v. 25-31) 3. 與天父一同歡喜快樂 (出20:1-3;路15:23-24,32) Rejoice and celebrate with the Father


怎樣才能有單純的心? 張牧師將帶我們一同回到天父的懷抱裡,領受兒子的心!

2 Samuel 10

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

2 Samuel 9

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

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