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Psalms 66

Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 39

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Isaiah 38

Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 36

Bahasa Indonesia

The Holy Spirit was, is, and always be amongst us

聖靈昔在、今在、永在我們中間 The Holy Spirit was, is, and always be amongst us 1. 聖靈在舊約中住在子民中間 (出19:1,16-20; 24:3-8; 25:8-9; 40:34-38) The Holy Spirit dwells amongst God’s people in the Old Testament 2. 聖靈在新約中住在門徒裏面 (約13:1-2; 14:16-17,21; 徒2:1-4) The Holy Spirit dwells in the disciples in the New Testament 3. 聖靈永永遠遠連於生命樹 (啟21:27; 22:1-5) The Holy Spirit always dwells in the tree of life

The Holy Spirit was, is, and always be amongst us

1. The Holy Spirit dwells amongst God’s people in the Old Testament
2. The Holy Spirit dwells in the disciples in the New Testament
3. The Holy Spirit always dwells in the tree of life

Isaiah 33

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Isaiah 32

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Isaiah 31

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