Judges 14
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
得勝2021 Victory 2021 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 日期:2021.01.02 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:詩篇 Psalms 21 歡慶得勝 (v.1-6) Rejoice in victory 繼續信靠 (v.7) Continue to trust 完全得勝 (v.8-13) Total victory 有神同在 滅盡仇敵 (v.8-12) In God’s presence, all enemies will be completely destroyed 有神大能我們歌唱 (v.13) In God’s strength , we will sing and praise
New Year Sermon
Pastor Joshua Cheung
Psalm 21
得勝2021 Victory 2021 講員:張恩年牧師 Pastor Joshua Cheung 日期:2021.01.02 語系:粵(Cantonese)、英(English) 經文:詩篇 Psalms 21 歡慶得勝 (v.1-6) Rejoice in victory 繼續信靠 (v.7) Continue to trust 完全得勝 (v.8-13) Total victory a.有神同在 滅盡仇敵 (v.8-12) In God’s presence, all enemies will be completely destroyed b.有神大能我們歌唱 (v.13) In God’s strength , we will sing and praise