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2 Samuel 7

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

2 Samuel 4

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

2 Samuel 3

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

2 Samuel 1

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

3 John

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

1 John 5

Tagalog (未翻譯) Bahasa Indonesia French



Joyfully grow a dry tree into the Tree of Life

Joy種枯樹成為生命樹 Joyfully grow a dry tree into the Tree of Life 感謝神不斷栽種我們,成為公義樹! 讓我們在611二十週年堂慶的日子,向神獻上最大的感恩! Verse: Isaiah 61:3,10,11 1. 神賜讚美衣、Joy種公義樹 (v.3,10) God gives the garment of praise, joyfully plants the oak of righteousness 2. 公義和讚美必在萬民前長出 (v.11) Righteousness and praise will sprout up before all nations

1 John 3

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

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