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Planting joyfully with mercy — His work and selection

神用憐憫Joy種 — 祂的作為與揀選 Planting joyfully with mercy — His work and selection 今天的我、今天的你,原來都有神的作為在我們當中!讓我們在這個安息日,更深了解神的作為和恩賜! Verse: Romans 11:25-12:2 一、感恩,我們因祂憐憫被揀選!(v.25-32) Give thanks, we are chosen because of His mercy! 二、深哉,萬有都是祂憐憫的作為!(v.33-36) Oh, all things are the work of His mercy! 三、敬拜,每日獻己回應祂憐憫 (12:1-2) Worship, offer ourselves in response to His mercies!

1 Samuel 31

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1 Samuel 30

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1 Samuel 29

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1 Samuel 28

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1 Samuel 27

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1 Samuel 25

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1 Samuel 24

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