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Enter the “Prayer Grotto”

Praise the Lord. A pastor delegation (comprised of 35 pastors from many nations, their wives, and selected co-workers) visited us in-depth for five days (7th-11th November.) These pastors wished to come to understand the vision and development of 611. We did not show them our ministries, but instead we showed them our lives and our relationships – how we mould vessels, build up our people and teams, and how we handle conflicts. On the last evening of this visit, a number of these pastor couples shared that they had come to realize that relationship is the real foundation of the Church, and it begins with the couples’ […]


Praise the Lord – last Sunday, 4th November, marked the first service of our granddaughter church Yilan 611! Yilan 611, headed by Ps. Wang Xianzhong and his wife, is the first branch church of “Taipei 611.” This is a new milestone in the journey of “planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 years.” Meanwhile, at the 8.30am service at the Mercy Seat, 69 cell leaders were ordained – that’s a record high! In the growth and development of a church, the discipleship role of a cell leader is extremely crucial. In particular, we as the mother church must have a […]

Life Lessons

Praise God for the Pastor Couples’ Camp last week. Pastors from Taiwan, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Malaysia and Hong Kong participated. Evidently, it is His Will to plant Trees of Life everywhere, through the revival of the pastor couples’ relationships. A glorious Church revival begins with a glorious nurturing of the pastor couples’ relationships. The various difficulties that the pastor couples were facing were difficult to counsel. Despite this, we were fully aware that assisting the senior pastor couple’s marriage is in fact assisting their church. It was also auspicious that we were able to welcome three local pastor couples! Indeed, […]

Rest and Onward

Right after Sukkot, God is leading us to “return and rest”, to enter a period of recuperation. As we wait on Him, everyone will revive in spirit and in strength. In the coming 6 months, church ministries will take a slower pace – to reduce the workload of staff and volunteers. For example, the “Whole Whole Family Journal” will change from a monthly to a bimonthly publication, and the number of musicals each year will be halved, etc. Besides regular worship services and discipleship, every department will be looking into the amount of ministry they can reduce. This is to […]

Wait Wholeheartedly

Last Sunday, 14th October, we began to preach the “Safety Belt” series, which will be about 10 sermons long. In this first sermon, “Be Saved in Returning and Rest,” we shared through the Word of God about how in the hardest times of our lives, Father God and His Word becomes our “safety belt” and helps us triumph over the difficulties in life. Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him! (Isaiah 30:18) The Heavenly […]

Reset to Align with God, March Forward in Humility

Since the “Cruise Carnival” in July through to the 1000-people baptism and Sukkot that has just past, the co-workers, MG leaders and I have been at a spiritual high. There were 500 people baptized at the beach baptism last year and it went just like any other baptism without any news coverage. Surprisingly, the news of 852 people baptized this year has been circulated in media, what a beautiful work of God which is far beyond our imagination. Afterwards C Mo and I went on a retreat, during which God told us to “reset to zero”. How to reset to […]

88852 Miracle

Praise the Lord, His thoughts are always higher than ours; His providence and provision are always beyond what we can imagine and ask for! The beach baptism for a thousand had been scheduled on the 16th September, but was postponed due to the typhoon. After some twists and turns, we submitted to the leading of God and held the 8 performances of “The Light” Musical and 8 baptisms at the same time from the 28th September to 1st October. In the end 852 people were baptized within our church. Including those baptized in the branch churches, a total of 1258 […]

Offer Up the Best “Ingathering”

In July, right after the Cruise Carnival, in response to the vision of “Planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 years”, the whole church as one sets her heart on it. All pastoral zones, MG tribes and cell groups have been holding various kinds and different scales evangelistic events, bringing over 1,500 people to Christ in just one month. Our daughter churches swiftly joined us in holding the Sukkot beach baptism on the 16th September, taking the total to 26 branch churches of 10 countries baptizing on the same day. Nearly 500 people have signed up for the beach baptism […]

Baptism “Gathers In” to Celebrate Sukkot

A while back, one early morning, when I was still half asleep, I heard God teaching me, “The Feast of Ingathering is actually Sukkot.” In the Bible, after the Feast of Ingathering at the end of Jewish year comes Sukkot which means the Jews celebrate “Ingathering” before New Year and then “the Feast of Tabernacles”. The “Beach Baptism of a Thousand” which will be held on the 16th September also means to “Gather In” the harvest of the Lord. Receiving the vision of “planting the Tree of Life everywhere in 52 years” on the 18th July, evangelistic events of cell […]

Seize the Opportunity to Spread the Gospel

Praise the Lord for many new friends turning to Christ in the service last week. Between relying on oneself and seeking grace, they responded to the altar call by choosing to follow Jesus, embarking on the faith journey. In the afternoon, 3 on 3 Basketball Match was held on the Young Ya basketball court with over hundred spectators. Despite losing the game, we won 26 souls for the Lord, Hallelujah! I greatly appreciate the teachers who not only invited many young people but even brought them to Christ. That day, basketball match should have been the focus, it was not […]

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