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Rest and Soar

Purim falls in this week when our 40-day Fasting and Prayer ends.

Following God during Rest

Earlier on, I fell sick and was found to catch COVID last Tuesday. Thank God that after some rest I have got much better.

Levites Shall Serve God Alone

At this initial stage of our 40-day fasting, it appears that God reminds us, Levites, to sanctify ourselves and align with God.

God is Ascending 2023

Thank God for giving us Jehoshua 2022 at the beginning of last year. It was a year filled with the pandemic and global turmoils, but God has truly saved us and kept us in peace.

2023 Fly High

Approaching 2023, I hereby wish you all a Happy New Year! God has given us new revelation through our two prophetesses.

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