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Disciples are most valuable in the Kingdom of Heavens

天國中門徒最珍貴 Disciples are most valuable in the Kingdom of Heavens 經文:太13:44-52 一、主愛門徒如珍如寶 The Lord treasures His disciples (v44-46) 二、專心預備主再來(v47-50) Wholeheartedly prepare for the coming of the Lord 三、成為明白真道的天國門徒(v51-52) Become Kingdom disciples who understand the truth


良善忠心天國人 Good and Faithful Kingdom People 講員:段樹仁族長 MG Leader Jason Tuan 語系:普(Mandarin)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:太25:14-30 一、要領受託付全力以赴v.14-18 Receive assignment and do your best 1. 人人領受主託 付v.14-15 Everyone receives assignment 2. 各人回應大不同 v.16-18 Everyone responds differently 二、要預備面對交賬的日子v.19-30 Prepare for the day of settlement 1. 忠僕得賞賜 v.19-23 Faithful servants are rewarded 2. 惡僕全部失 v.24-30 Wicked servants lose it all

Good and Faithful Kingdom People

良善忠心天國人 The Unfolding of Kingdom Mysteries(1):  Good and Faithful Kingdom People 經文:太25:14-30 一、要領受託付全力以赴v.14-18 Receive assignment and do your best 1. 人人領受主託付 v.14-15 Everyone receives assignment 2. 各人回應大不同 v.16-18 Everyone responds differently 二、要預備面對交賬的日子v.19-30 Prepare for the day of settlement 1. 忠僕得賞賜 v.19-23 Faithful servants are rewarded 2. 惡僕全部失 v.24-30 Wicked servants lose it all

Good and Faithful Kingdom People

良善忠心天國人 Good and Faithful Kingdom People 講員:段樹仁族長 MG Leader Jason Tuan 語系:英(English)、普(Mandarin) 經文:太Mat 25:14-30 一、要領受託付全力以赴v.14-18 Receive assignment and do your best 1. 人人領受主託 付v.14-15 Everyone receives assignment 2. 各人回應大不同 v.16-18 Everyone responds differently 二、要預備面對交賬的日子v.19-28 Prepare for the day of settlement 1. 忠僕得賞賜 v.19-23 Faithful servants are rewarded 2. 惡僕全部失 v.24-28 Wicked servants lose it all 三、要活出天國的法則 v.29-30 Live out Kingdom principles

True Gospel of Being God’s Children

Verse: Galatians 3:26-4:7 1. Become children of God through faith in Christ  v.3:26-29 2. Christ has Redeemed us from the Law v.4:1-5 3. Become the heir through the Holy Spirit 4:6-7

Acceptable 2019 – Jacob at a dead end

Acceptable 2019 – Jacob at a dead end Verse: Genesis 28:1-22 1. Father finally agrees to bless v.1-5 2. Brother refuses to let go v.6-9 3. God releases Heavenly promises v.10-22 A. God appears to reenact covenant of grace v.10-15 B. God’s acceptance overcomes man’s weakness v.16-22

Be Rich Now till Eternity

Bible Verse:1Tim 6:17-19 A.Wealth is a blessing from God v.17 1.Don’t be arrogant because of riches 2.Don’t rely on riches 3.Put your hope in God who gives B. Good usage of wealth brings value v.18 C.Wealth manifests our lives v.19

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