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Celebrate Sukkot, God is with us

歡慶住棚神同在 Celebrate Sukkot, God is with us 一、耶穌降生在住棚 (路加福音 1:5-42) Jesus was born in Sukkot 二、進入住棚神祝福 (申命記 16:13-17) Enter Sukkot, God blesses 1. 美好關係同歡樂 (申命記 16:13-14) Rejoice in good relationships 2. 放下憂慮倚靠神 (申命記 16:15) Trust God and lay down worries 3. 獻上感恩神同在 (申命記 16:16-17) Give thanks, God is with us



In times of hardship, hold fast to Christ

In times of hardship, hold fast to Christ Scriptures:Hebrews 5:1-14 1. Christ is the high priest surpassing all A. Human priests are to offer sin offerings for themselves and the people (v1-4) B. Christ is the author of our eternal salvation (v5-10) 2. Be quick to listen up and grow up (v11-14) 在艱難中,緊緊捉住基督 經文:來5:1-14 大綱: 一、基督是超越一切的大祭司 A、人間的祭司要為自己為百姓獻贖罪祭(v1-4) B、基督是我們永遠得救的根源(v5-10) 二、要快快聽從,長大成人(v11-14)



Couple shall become one being

夫妻Being要整合 Couple shall become one being 夫妻應該各自發揮自己的Being嗎?還是整合為一個Being呢?讓我們從聖經角度去看這奧秘! Verse: Eph 5:22-33, Ge 2:18, 1Pe 3:7 一、妻子要幫助丈夫作頭 Wife helps her husband to be the head (弗5:22-24、創2:18) 二、丈夫要成全妻子的Being (弗5:25-30、彼前3:7) Husband perfects his wife’s Being A、丈夫要認識妻子的Being (彼前3:7a) Husband understands his wife’s Being B、丈夫要承托妻子的Being (彼前3:7b) Husband supports his wife’s Being 三、夫妻Being的整合是神創造的心意 (弗5:31-33) The purpose of God’s creation is to integrate the couple’s Being A、要離開父母 Leave their parents B、要與妻子連合 Unite with his wife C、夫妻整合成為一個全新的Being The couple is integrated to be a whole new Being

Couple shall become one being



有知識、有能力,就可以遇見神嗎?原來Pure and simple 是重點!樹仁族長與你分享,如何領受神的國!

Receive God’s Kingdom, Simple and Pure

單純領受神的國 Receive God’s Kingdom, Simple and Pure 有知識、有能力,就可以遇見神嗎?原來Pure and simple 是重點!樹仁族長與你分享,如何領受神的國! Verse: Luke 18:1-30 一、單純的相信 Simply trust A、要在信心中常常禱告(v1-8) Pray in faith always B、不要自以為義(v9-14) Do not be self-righteous 二、單純的領受 Simply receive A、不要像有錢官般捉住世界(v18-30) Do not hold on to the world like the rich ruler B、要像嬰孩般緊緊捉住神(v15-17) Hold on to God as an infant

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