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第五課 核心價值長成人

領受 611 十一個核心價值,助你走在生命樹的道路上,活出喜樂蒙福,關係和諧的人生。


信心守約倚靠神 Trust God and Keep His Covenant by Faith   講員:段樹仁傳道 Pastor Jason Tuan 日期:2020.12.13 語系:普(Mandarin)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:約書亞記 Joshua 5   一、神蹟渡河,眾敵心膽寒(v1) Cross the river miraculously, all enemies’ hearts melt   二、信心守約,全軍經歷神(v2-12) Keep the covenant by faith, the whole troop experiences God   三、尋求神助,聖靈領軍行(v13-15) Seek God’s help, the Holy Spirit leads the army on

Keep the covenant faithfully and see God

信心守約看見神 Keep the covenant faithfully and see God 段樹仁傳道 Pastor Jason Tuan 約書亞記 Joshua 5 一、神蹟渡河,眾敵心膽寒(v1) Cross the river miraculously, all enemies’ hearts melt 二、信心守約,全軍經歷神(v2-12) Keep the covenant by faith, the whole troop experiences God 三、尋求神助,聖靈領軍行(v13-15) Seek God’s help, the Holy Spirit leads the army on

Following God in adversity

逆境中跟隨神 Following God in adversity 經文:創世記 Genesis 26:1-25 一、相信神同在 (v1-6) Trust God’s presence 二、相信神保護 (v7-11) Trust God’s protection 三、相信神祝福(v12-25) Trust God’s blessings


逆境中跟隨神 Following God in adversity   講員:段樹仁傳道 Pastor Jason 日期:2020.08.16 語系:普(Mandarin)、粵(Cantonese) 經文:創Gen 26:1-25   大綱: 一、相信神同在 (v1-6) Trust God’s presence   二、相信神保護 (v7-11) Trust God’s protection   三、相信神祝福(v12-25) Trust God’s blessings

Following God in adversity

逆境中跟隨神 Following God in adversity   講員:段樹仁傳道 Pastor Jason 日期:2020.08.15 語系:普(Mandarin)、英(English) 經文:創Gen 26:1-25   大綱: 一、相信神同在 (v1-6) Trust God’s presence   二、相信神保護 (v7-11) Trust God’s protection   三、相信神祝福(v12-25) Trust God’s blessings


天國門徒最珍貴 Kingdom disciples are most valuable 經文:太13:44-52 一、主愛門徒如珍如寶 The Lord treasures His disciples (v44-46) 二、專心預備主再來(v47-50) Wholeheartedly prepare for the coming of the Lord 三、成為明白真道的天國門徒(v51-52) Become Kingdom disciples who understand the truth

Disciples are most valuable in the Kingdom of Heavens

天國中門徒最珍貴 Disciples are most valuable in the Kingdom of Heavens 經文:太13:44-52 一、主愛門徒如珍如寶 The Lord treasures His disciples (v44-46) 二、專心預備主再來(v47-50) Wholeheartedly prepare for the coming of the Lord 三、成為明白真道的天國門徒(v51-52) Become Kingdom disciples who understand the truth

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