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Leaving the mount of ego, men hurry home!

離開自我之山,男人快快回家吧! Leaving the mount of ego, men hurry home! 路Luk 15:11-32 一、小兒子:在自我之山上的離家浪子(v.11-24) The younger son: the prodigal son who is on the mount of ego 二、大兒子:在自我之山上的在家孤兒(v.25-30) The older son: the orphan son who is on the mount of ego 三、真兒子:在愛與信任中的喜樂之子(v.31-32) The true son: the son of joy in love and trust

Ascending life, ascending authority and ministry

生命上升,權柄服事全上升 Ascending life, ascending authority and ministry 經文Scriptures:出Ex 3:1-12,出Ex 19:16-20,申Deut 34:1-12 一、放下主權,從生命低點上升(出Ex 3:1-12) Lay down one’s rights, ascend from life’s lowest point 二、領受十誡,在神的愛中繼續上升(出Ex 19:16-20) Receive the 10 Commandments, keep ascending amid God’s love 三、一生盡忠,不斷上升(申Deut 34:1-12) Be faithful for life, keep ascending



Behold! God is our Shepherd

看哪!神是牧養我們的神 Behold! God is our Shepherd (賽Isa 40:1-11) 1. 在黑暗中宣告神的安慰 (v.1-2) Proclaim God’s comfort in darkness 2. 在曠野中預備主的路 (v.3-8) Prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness A、曠野之山都要修平 (v.3-5) The mountains of the wilderness will be leveled B、虛空的世界都要過去 (v.6-8) The world of emptiness will pass away 3. 倚靠基督大能牧養小羊 (v.9-11) Trust in the might of Christ to shepherd little lambs

Behold! God is our Shepherd

1. Proclaim God’s comfort in darkness
2. Prepare the way of the Lord in the wilderness
3. Trust in the might of Christ to shepherd little lambs



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