The Holy Spirit was, is, and always be amongst us Pastor Joshua Cheung Exodus 20 05/06/2022 (Sun) Cantonese, English
Plant the Tree of Life Community Everywhere to Display Life in Eternity Now! Pastor Joshua Cheung Revelation 21 08/05/2022 (Sun) Cantonese, English
The Eighth Beatitude: Theirs is the Resurrection Pastor Joshua Cheung Matthew 5 17/04/2022 (Sun) Cantonese, English
The Fourth Beatitude: Become those who hunger and thirst for righteousness Pastor Eben Poon, Pastor Sau Wing Lo Matthew 5 10/04/2022 (Sun) Cantonese, English
The Seventh Beatitude: PEACEMAKERS, become sons of God! Pastor Joash Chow, Pastor Crystal Tsang Matthew 5 03/04/2022 (Sun) Cantonese, English
The Fifth Beatitude: Who will be given mercy by God? Pastor Joshua Cheung Matthew 5 27/03/2022 (Sun) Cantonese, English
Hallelujah! Wonderful victory! Pastor Jason Wang, Pastor Anna Chang Esther 4 20/03/2022 (Sun) Mandarin, English
The Second Beatitude: Those who mourn shall be comforted Pastor Deborah Tung Matthew 5 13/03/2022 (Sun) Mandarin, English
The Sixth Beatitude: The Pure and Simple will See God Pastor Debby Tam, Pastor Susanna Yuen Matthew 5 06/03/2022 (Sun) Cantonese, English
The Third Beatitude: The soft shall be given the earth and peace! Pastor Joshua Cheung Matthew 5 27/02/2022 (Sun) Cantonese, English
The First Beatitude: Come, enter now, the Kingdom of Heaven is here! Pastor Ruby Kwok Matthew 5 20/02/2022 (Sun) Cantonese, English 《The Eight Beatitudes》The 1st Sermon Pastor Ruby Kwok Matthew 5:3
God’s servant, Ready! Go! Pastor Barnabas Poon, C-Mo Dily Choy Isaiah 49 13/02/2022 (Sun) Cantonese, English