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It is good to be home and to connect

回家真好,連結真好 It is good to be home and to connect 一、天父栽培,神子與人同體 (約Joh 15:1-3) The Father nurtures, the Son and man together as one 二、枝子連樹,必然多結果子 (約Joh 15:4-5) Branches that abide in the vine shall bear much fruit 三、回家相連,真的好好(啟Rev 22:1-2) It is wholly good to be home and to connect


二、枝子連樹,必然多結果子 (約15:4-5)

It is good to be home and to connect

1. The Father nurtures, the Son and man together as one
2. Branches that abide in the vine shall bear much fruit
3. It is wholly good to be home and to connect

Man’s realization

男人的看見 Man’s realization Verse: Genesis 2:18, 3:8-1, 3:20-21 一、天生獨居,哪不好?創2:18 Born alone, what is not good about it? 二、天起涼風,沒處跑!創3:8-10 In the cool of the day, nowhere to run! 三、看見幫助,神真好!創3:20-21 See the helper, God is good!

Father! “Speak” out the trilogy of blessing!

1.  My son! Father God favors you (Deuteronomy 33:1-5;Deuteronomy 7:7) 2. My son! Father God knows and cares for you  (Deuteronomy 33:6-25) 3. My son! Father God will surely help you (Deuteronomy 33:26-29)

New Wineskin Marriage: Four Mountains for the Husband (B)

Verse: Genesis 1 A. Mountain of Perfecting: Husband has the authority, wife makes decision 1. God creates, authorizes man to rule (Genesis 1:26; Matthew 18:18-19) 2. Jesus is the Lord, answers the prayer of Church (John 15:7; Matthew 8:13, 15:28) 3. Husband is the head, fulfills the wife’s decisions (Proverbs 31:13-27) B. Mountain of Embracing: Embracing wife’s opposition 1. Embrace wife’s differences, changed from not-good to good and better a. The only remedy for an isolated lifestyle (Genesis 2:18) b. The only way to walk into blessing (Genesis 1:27-28) c. A strong and powerful prayer altar (1 Peter 3:7) 2. Embrace wife’s opposition, […]

New Wineskin Marriage: Four Mountains for the Husband (A)

Verse: 1 Corinthians 1 1. Mountain of laying down: Please God and make your wife happy A. Husband shall please God and make his wife happy too( 1 Corinthians 7:32-34a;Deuteronomy 24:5) B. Align with God’s will to please God (1) Husband needs wife’s help (Genesis 2:18) (2) Husband and wife represent Christ and the Church(Ephesians 5:31-32) C. Out of solitude to make your wife happy (1) Lay down yourself(Ephesians 5:25-27) (2) Care for your wife(Ephesians 5:28-30) 2. Mountain of shouldering: Women can be wrong but your wife is never A. Adam sinned, God remedied(Genesis 3:11-13, 21) B. Man sin, Jesus bears(John 1:29;1 John 3:5) C. Wife makes mistakes, husband […]

Do Not be Self-Righteous

Verse: Luke 18:9-14 1. The repulsive self-righteousness syndrome A. I have done right by You! (v.9-11) B. I am better! (v.11) C. I did well! (v.12) 2. Prescription of God’s justification A. Know sin and seek grace (v.13) B. Humble down and receive grace (v.14)

Do Not be Self-Righteous

Verse: Romans 10:3; John 9:13-39 1. Self-righteousness is resistance against God’s righteousness Romans 10:3 2. See through the Pharisees’self-righteousness a. The Laws are more important than people v.13-15 b. Stubborn and hard-hearted – b1. Simplifying standards to judge others v.16 – b2. Inability to see the obvious v.30-33 – b3. Repetition of old patterns v.15,19,26 c. Resistance against challenge v.34 3. Depart from self-righteousness and blindness a. Obey and humble down, with eyes opened v.6-7 b. Keep following and walk in the light

Do What is Remembered by God

Verse: Esther 10 1. Raising up leaders, remembered by God v.1-2 2. Binding yourself with your own people, remembered by God v.3 3. Trusting the grace of God, shepherd His flock

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