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Turning 60, A New Life’s Beginning

26th Jan marks my wife Delphine’s 60th birthday. In my life, Delphine is truly the 360 degree (all-round) wife God has given me. From knowing each other, dating, discipling, building church, to planting Trees of Life everywhere etc., she has always been my most important partner in life.

Thankful! Grateful!

Last week, C-Mo and I took a few of our disciples to Taiwan, so as to exhort and fellowship with the local branch churches in Douliu, Tainan and Kaohsiung. We made special allowance for a trip to visit Elder Chang Ching, who is the eldest working master of sculpture in Taiwan and indeed a national treasure. His artworks for our church include the magnificent “Spirit of the Almighty” placed before the Mercy Seat, and “Ancient Cross” situated at the ground floor entrance. Hearing the vision of “Planting Trees of Life everywhere in 52 years” and seeing how God has been […]

Acceptable 2019

“Acceptable 2019” also means “Favorable 2019”. It was “Return 2018” last year, meaning that as we return to God, He shall accept us and return to us. This year, through Psalm 19, God tells us that He accepts us, and that 2019 shall be a year of Lord’s favor upon us: where God shall be gracious to us, bringing down many blessings on us. As 2019 begins, good news starts to pour in! On the 1st of January, right after Morning Devotion, several brothers and sisters came to me, to joyfully tell me they are now starting relationships. How happy […]

Such a Starry Sky Tonight

Happy Year 2019! Praise the Lord for His overflowing grace from the beginning to the end of the year as good news keep pouring in. Over 1700 brothers and sisters took part in year-end prayer meeting of 2018, jam-packed the Mercy Seat and main hall of Wealthy Garden. Together, we counted the many gracious returns from God in “Return 2018”, welcoming 2019 which is forecast to see Holy Spirit flowing freely among us.

Looking Back, Grateful upon Grateful

Last week, C-Mo and I brought our MG Leaders and Steering Committee to Kuching and Sabah in Malaysia for a year-end retreat. The Holy Spirit was with us, enlightening us in the Word of God and leading us to build deeper relationships in Him. I am grateful for the pastors and co-workers of our daughter church in Kuching, who took very good care of us in both catering and accommodation. We felt truly at home. Through living together and interacting with one another, we delighted ourselves in the abundance of God. Some of our MG Leaders sentimentally shared their life […]

Pleasant Places

Our branch church in Central, “Carmel 611” officially launched last Sunday. On this launch service, many cell members and bible school students attended, it was a day of exuberance indeed.

The Grace of Life

Entering December, the weather has turned crisp and it also signifies the end of 2018. Looking back at “Return 2018”, I am truly in awe of God’s blessings in our midst. Last week, the team of Dr Lin Guangchang visited our church and performed health check-ups for our co-workers – over 200 – and presented a health seminar.

In Unison

Praise the Lord, last Thursday and Friday night (29th-30th Nov), the Youth Army successfully held a worship concert 《Fly High for Your Glory》at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium, not only did we thoroughly enjoy the passionate and spectacular performances of our youths but we also greatly experienced the Glorious Presence of God.

Discipleship is Key

Last Saturday, 24th Nov, a referendum was held in Taiwan. We are thankful for how smoothly it went, and for how clear the public opinion is: “Preserve family values!” We are greatly delighted to see this sentiment expressed more strongly than expected, in the answers to the three controversial questions*. These “referendum” results expressed the will of the Taiwanese people in defending social ethics and family values, now in turn the Taiwanese Government must discharge her constitutional duties. Even after this “referendum”, we must continue to pray and watch over Taiwan’s government and society, praying that these results shall be accordingly executed by […]

The Lord is my Shepherd

Last Sunday, Pastor Ho Kit continued our “Safety Belt” series, preaching “The Lord is my Shepherd.” The message was great, so great that C-Mo and I were deeply touched. On Monday, a pastor couple asked us “How do you allocate your time for discipleship?” To that, I gave a short reply, “80-20 rule.” Immediately, C-Mo asked the co-worker who was with us to explain what “80-20 rule” was. Even with many words, he failed to explain it, despite having spent much time with us. There and then, we realized that he has no idea how we prioritize discipleship. During the […]

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