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The Royal Priesthood

we are to become the Tree of Life because God has chosen and called us, His people, to be a royal priesthood, a holy nation, to serve in His presence day and night.

The Amazing Seventy; the Miracle of Coincidences

Thank God that we experienced God’s amazing presence as I went back to our mother church, Taipei Bread of Life Christian Church, with my team to participate in the celebration of its 70th Anniversary!

Deeper Repentance Leads to Greater Celebration

This year, God has led us more deeply into the Day of Atonement, allowing co-workers as well as brothers and sisters to experience a significant renewal of life

Fortress Revival Never Ends

The Fortress Prayer Meeting of our church held every Tuesday evening has attracted over seven hundred brothers and sisters each week.

Love and Non-Resistance

With the launching of the 40-day Fasting and Prayer, we have started to intercede for Europe.

Removing the Yeast of the Pharisees

Thank God, as the 40-Day Fasting and Prayer began, the church has also launched the sermon series “Removing the Yeast of the Pharisees,” leading us to remove the yeast in our lives during this time of fasting.

Stay Alert in Spirit: Fasting and Prayer

Thank God that ever since Pastor Anton Cruz called our entire church to have a 40-day Fasting and Prayer each year for five consecutive years,

A New Revelation on the Tree of Life

Thank God for leading us to Central America for the first time and giving us fresh revelations. There we had a very special experience, making us thrilled.

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