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Do Not Rebel

Verse: 1 Samuel 15 1. Selective obedience is disobedience, same as rebellion v.1-9 2. The rebellious is rejected by God v.10-23 a. Disobedience deceives v.10-15 b. Disobedience resists discipline v.16-21 c. Rebellion is rejecting God v.22-23,26 d. Rebellion attracts evil spirits 1 Samuel 16:14-15,23 e. The rebellious runs to death 1 Samuel 31:3-6; Numbers 14:34-35,16:31-33 3. Trust and obey to overcome rebellion v.24-35 a. Don’t hold onto men v.24-30, 1 Samuel 13:11-12 b. Repent and hold onto God v.28-29,35; 1 Samuel 13:14; Psalms 51:11-12

Don’t Miss The Wonderful Timing

Verse:Esther 5-7 1.  That Day of Wonders (Esther 5) A. Step into ‘ The third day ’ by Faith v.1, 4:14b B. The King Gladly Granted the Request v.2-8 C. Haman was Ignorant of the Danger v.9-14 2. That night of wonders (Esther 6) A. God’s Three-fold Coincidence v.1-5 B. Haman Began to Fall v.6-14 3. The moment of Wonderful Reverse (Esther 7) A. Third Time the King Granted her Wish v.1-2 B. Speak the right words at the right time v.3-6 C. Haman’s Repeated Mistakes v.7-10

Give Thanks To God For His Wonderful Acts

Verse: Psalms 107 1. Praise the Lord for His wonderful kindness v.1-32 a. Give thanks for God’s kindness and wonders v.1,8,15,21,31 b. Let the redeemed say so v.2-3 b1. He is the wonderful guide: Let us out of wandering v.4-9 b2. He is the wonderful deliverer: Chains were broken v.10-16 b3. He is the wonderful healer: Rescued us from the grave v.17-22 b4. He is the wonderful ruler: Stilled the storms and waves v.23-32 2. God’s wonderful kindness over all created things v.33-41 a. Change the land v.33-34 b. Give wonderful blessings v.35-38 c. Raise up also cast down v.39-41 3. Start anew in God’s wonderful kindness v.42-43

The Glorious Church Spreads out through  Master-Servant Relationship

Verse: Ephesians 6:5-9 A.Servant obeys master as to Christ  v.5-8 a.With fear and trembling v.5a b.In singleness of heart v.5b 1.Not as man-pleasers 2.As slaves of Christ B.Master treats servant as the Lord treats all  v.9 a.Do not threaten b.Do to servants as the Lord to me C.The spiritual implication of master-servant relationship

Never Give Up Discipling

Verse: Genesis 12:1-7, 12:10-17; 13, 17:1-8;18:16-19;22:12-18 1. Be Proactive and Passionate, Perceive a great vision (Genesis 12:1-7) a. Call for followers (Genesis 12:1) b. Impart God’s Vision (Genesis 12:2-3) c. A Challenging Promise (Genesis 12:4-7) 2. Accept and Bear without Changing (Genesis 12:10-17; 13) a. Tolerate and protect (Genesis 12:10-17) b. Encourage and Raise up (Genesis 13:14-17) 3. Persist and Wait, Never Give up (Genesis 17:1-8; 18:16-19; 22:12-18) a. See as the Father of nations (Genesis 17:1-8; 18:16-19) b. Wait for the life of a Father of nations (Genesis 22:12-18)

Imitate God To Be The Head Over All Things

Verse: Ephesians 5:1-20 1. Walk In Love v.1-7 a. Offer ourselves as dearly loved children v.1-2 b. Nothing to do with the words and deeds of darkness v.3-7 2. Walk In Light v.8-14 a. Bear the fruit of light v.8-10 b. Expose darkness through light v.11-14 3. Walk In The Last Days v.15-20 a. Be wise, know that the last days have come v.15-17 b. Be filled with the spirit, overcome darkness and worship God v.18-20

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