1 Samuel 3
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
《Ten Commandments》
4th Commandment – Sermon 1
Pastor Joshua Cheung
Exodus 20:8-11
第四誡:當守安息日—進入帶領萬有歸於神的節奏 (上) The fourth commandment: keep the Sabbath day – Enter into the rhythm of leading all things unto God 經文:出埃及記 Exodus 20:8-11 1. 進入神創造的節奏 (出20:11a;創2:1-2) Enter into God’s rhythm of creation 2. 分別安息日獻給神 (出20:8;出23:12;賽58:13-14) Remember to consecrate the Sabbath day
第四誡:當守安息日—進入帶領萬有歸於神的節奏 (上) The fourth commandment: keep the Sabbath day – Enter into the rhythm of leading all things unto God Verse: Exodus 20:8-11 1. 進入神創造的節奏(出20:11a;創2:1-2) Enter into God’s rhythm of creation 2. 分別安息日獻給神(出20:8;創2:1-2;出23:12) Set apart the Sabbath day for God
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French