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Psalms 10

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

Psalms 9

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French


怎樣才是真實的敬拜? 張恩年牧師帶領我們進入真理,認識神所喜悅的敬拜!

True Worshippers

真實的敬拜 True Worshippers 怎樣才是真實的敬拜? 張恩年牧師帶領我們進入真理,認識神所喜悅的敬拜! 經文:約 John 4:19-26 1. 這時刻的敬拜取代從前的 (v.19-22) The present worship replaces the previous one 2. 在靈和真理裏真實拜父 (v.23-24) Truly worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth 3. 基督的靈領我們進到父面前 (v. 25-26; 2:1-11;3:5,28-29; 弗2:18) The Spirit of Christ leads us into the presence of the Father

Luke 24

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French

Luke 23

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Luke 22

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Luke 21

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Luke 20

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Luke 19

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