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Isaiah 32

Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 31

Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 30

Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 29

Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 28

Bahasa Indonesia

Plant the Tree of Life Community Everywhere to Display Life in Eternity Now!

遍植生命樹群體 展現永恆生命於現在! Plant the Tree of Life Community Everywhere to Display Life in Eternity Now! 天地之約 Covenant of Heaven and Earth 一. 遍植生命樹群體 (啟21:22-22:2a) Plant the tree of life community (Rev 21:22-22:2a KJV) 二. 展現永恒生命於現在(啟22:2b-3a) Display life in eternity now (Rev 22:2b-3a KJV)

Isaiah 10

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia

Isaiah 8

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia

The Eighth Beatitude: Theirs is the Resurrection

天國第八福:復活是他們的 The Eighth Beatitude: Theirs is the Resurrection 1. 為義受逼迫的人有福了(太Matt 5:10a, 11-12; 路Luke 6:22; 徒Acts 7:52) Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake 2. 天國的復活是他們的(太Matt 4:17-22,23-25;5:3-10) Theirs is the resurrection of the Kingdom of heaven

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