Life integrated and sanctified, Workplace ascends
一. 虛假信仰 神必對付到底
二. 真實聖潔 順服連結權柄
三. 持守到底 神賜尊榮恩寵
一. 虛假信仰 神必對付到底
二. 真實聖潔 順服連結權柄
三. 持守到底 神賜尊榮恩寵
Life integrated, become a Tree of Life
Tree of life arise to rebuild ancient ruins
Full of blessings, Tree of Life community ascends
1. Life disintegrated, live in curses
2. Even under curses, must have a right direction
3. Start again and be blessed
1. Problematic family is still protected by God
2. Ascend by God, the whole family prospers
3. Forgive and reconcile, blessings reach the whole clan
1. Lay down one’s rights, ascend from life’s lowest point
2. Receive the 10 Commandments, keep ascending amid God’s love
3. Be faithful for life, keep ascending
1 The King of all the earth tells us to ascend
2 The King of all the earth has ascended to the throne
3 The kings of the nations are shields, and God is greatly exalted
1. Persevere! God is my trust
2. Pray! See God amidst distress
3. Praise! God saves the whole earth
1. Satisfied: for God’s Bountiful Forgiveness
2. Rejoice: for God’s Salvation in Roaring Seas
3. Re-Rejoice: for God’s Abundent Showers of Blessing
1. Why would a God-blessed marriage fail?
2. Marriage failed, is there a way out?
1. Set apart from all peoples to a Holy God
2. Faithfully Worship a jealous God
3. Belongs only to the God of unquenchable love