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Following God

God Has Done a New Thing! Praise Him!

… for the first time in twenty-one years our church had the preacher presenting the sermon in singing and acting first person. We stood in awe of the great work of the Holy Spirit!

Overcome Anger by God

After hearing preaching on the Commandment, “Do Not Kill”, everyone is prompted to reflect more as we come to know the deeper meaning of this Commandment –

Connect Deeper with God

God’s Hand has been leading me and giving me visions since over thirty years ago.

Shall Not Become Cain’s Clan

In last Sunday’s service, we returned to the Ten Commandments and started the first preaching on the Sixth Commandment: You shall not murder.

Behold! God’s Hand

The work of God’s Hand is evident everywhere under the Tree of Life.

I Am a God’s Servant

Thank God! Last week (12/6) we formally commissioned Pastor Baruch and his wife Yuk-man and their team to establish the Whole Whole 611 in Cheung Chau.

Deeper Sharing, More Planting

Now is the time to plant Trees of Life everywhere. Thank God for giving us the Kingdom Artists and the media team, allowing 611 to share the Tree of Life messages more effectively.

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