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8 May (Wed) Prayer Direction

Pray for personal finance: Oh Lord, under the influence of materialism, I admit that I am not good at financial management and don’t keep the expenditure within the limits of revenues.

7 May (Tue) Prayer Direction

Pray for our 18th Church Anniversary: Thank God for giving us the vision of planting trees of life everywhere in 52 years. We proclaim that everything is made new.

6 May (Mon) Prayer Direction

Pray for personal life: Today is the new moon day of Iyar. May God fill the gap of pride in our lives, so we are willing to repent and receive supernatural healing. Proclaim that the Babylonian system which has been suppressing us shall begin to crumble.

5 May (Sun) Prayer Direction

Pray for yourself: Oh Lord, help us not to be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. Also, help us be in thirst of being filled by the Holy Spirit, always worship and praise God, and give thanks to the Father.

4th May (Sat) Prayer Direction

Pray and confess our sins: O Lord, forgive me for making my own decision, not praying and seeking you with others as I do not want to be robbed of my sovereignty.

3st May (Fri) Prayer Direction

🙏 Confess sins for yourself
O Lord, please forgive me for going to You relying on feelings, but not in faith. Forgive me that I pray, but I cannot trust you, instead I am always anxious and doubtful.

2st May (Thur) Prayer Direction

Pray for yourself: Spend time to build an intimate relationship with the Lord Turn our eyes from the world to the Lord, living out a lifestyle of waiting for the return of the Lord

1st May (Wed) Prayer Direction

Acts 1:4-5 On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

Prayer for April

✝Dear Lord Jesus, may you reveal all the uncleanness in my life_____ (please fill in the your personal sins). Please forgive the uncleanness in my thoughts, my tongue and my behaviour. I am willing to renounce all the sins above.

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