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8 May (Wed) Prayer Direction

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. (Acts 4:32)

💰 Pray for personal finance  😇
Oh Lord, under the influence of materialism, I admit that I am not good at financial management and don’t keep the expenditure within the limits of revenues. May Lord forgive me and release Joseph’s anointing of financial management, so I am always thankful and content, correctly use the wealth given by God. May I be merciful and willing to give to the needy in church.

💰 Pray for the church building fund 💒
From offering firstfruit, then the month of Iyar until harvest in the Pentecost, our prosperity is related to this month. Oh Lord, please give us a willing heart to give and experience that as You open the Heaven gate, Your provision is pressed down, shaken together and running over to us. 🌾

💰 Pray for wealth to enter God’s home 💒
Oh Lord, thank you that you promise to give Your Church the hidden treasures and riches stored in secret places. May you continue to shake nations, move treasures of nations into your house so that your temple shall be filled with glory. Amen! 🕊