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Thanksgiving Testimonies from ANEW Cell Leaders

Rowena Comilang – I thank God for financial breakthrough this year. He has also restored my relationship with one of my dearest friends. Angel Agustin – I am so thankful, God has blessed me in many ways this year. God has enabled me to be promoted to leadership in the Powerpoint Team. Jean Cajigas – I thank God for the restoration of my relationship with my best friend, and for a renewed chance to join the dance team. Alice Maghuyop – I am so thankful for the chance to rejoin the worship team. Even my employer is joyful about this! Angelita Ganiron – I thank God for […]

ANEW 7th Anniversary A Milestone in Planting Trees of Life

Last Sunday, we celebrated the 7th anniversary of ANEW – it was a time of overwhelming joy and thanksgiving! We held a “Miss Thanksgiving Pageant,” and it was wonderful to see 6 of our dear Sisters participate, each sharing their life-changing experiences and giving thanks to our almighty, loving, wonderful God! Our sisters shared about their financial breakthroughs, their restored relationships, their healing and deliverance from past hurts; they shared their thanksgiving for opportunities to join and serve with the dance team and worship team! By the grace of God, over the past year, many of our sisters have been blessed financially and been set free of debt. What a great […]

Increasing Discipleship Power, Planting Trees of Life

Our 3rd Cell Leader Ordination Ceremony this year was successfully held on the 4th of November, ordaining 69 cell leaders which was record high! Praise the Lord! Of the newly-ordained cell leaders, we have 18 male and 51 female cell leaders – including five co-workers, one motherdaughter pair, and eight married couples. We are raising up university students and foreign domestic helpers as cell leaders. Below is the sharing from Pastor Roxan who ordained 7 disciples last week. Praise God that seven Filipino sisters were ordained last week. Using the gifts and abilities that God has given us to build others […]

Know who we are in Christ

On 21st Oct 2018, after ANEW preaching, Ps Roxan held her disciple cell group and below is sharing from two of her disciples who have been greatly touched afterward. Sister Jerrylyn was very blessed by the topic! At the disciple cell, Sister Jerrylyn was led to confession and repentance of sinful pride and self-wisdom. “God is so good! I used to condemn myself about this foolish pride in myself, thinking my own ways are so smart. But Praise God! He revealed to me that I am His anointed one! The power of darkness shall no longer reign in me, since […]

His Miraculous Healing in Sukkot

Shalom! My name is Cindy and I am from Indonesia. For one year, I have worked in Hong Kong, and have joined 611 Indonesian congregation. Today I want to share with you the miracle happened to me when I was baptized at 611 during Sukkot celebration on 30 September 2018! I am the firstborn of my mother, having five younger brothers who were born to a different father because when I was one year old, my own father abandoned me. Recently my mother was diagnosed with kidney cancer, lung infection, high blood pressure, and excess stomach acid – so she […]

Back in Spiritual Home, Strengthened and Loved

I am Maria Eva B. Bautista, and my cell leader is Analyn Alarcon. I felt that I was worthless, fearful, nobody and a mistake – until I received Jesus as my Savior. When I was 9, I helped my mother, selling food to our neighborhood. My father was a great provider for our family. However, when I was 10 years old, my Father suddenly changed. He became a drunkard, and became strict and abusive to us. He beat me with anything he could find: belts, slippers, shoes… a stick… even the branch of a tree. When I was 16, I was not allowed suitors. Once, a suitor came to my house to visit, but […]

Painting Balloons Celebrating Sukkot

A group of 611 co-workers joyfully painted many colorful balloons yesterday, preparing our heart to enter into Sukkot celebration. God is telling us that we are all his beautiful and wonderful creation. He is ingathering His workers from all nations who shall be of one heart and one spirit to offer up ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to the Lord! • [2018.09.30]

“The Light” Guided Thousand to Baptism Nations Presented Ingathering to God In Sukkot This Sukkot, revival was in the air of 611! From 28th September to 1st October, 8 baptisms with 8 performances of “The Light” musical were conducted at the same time for 4 consecutive days, leading 302 people to Christ and baptizing 852 people. Twenty-eight branch churches of 12 nations held baptism at the same time, making a record of baptism for a thousand. Truly, it was the most beautiful “ingathering” presented to God by nations during this festive season! People baptized came from different countries, including 33 from the Philippines, 3 from Indonesia, Nepal and 1 from the Ivory […]

Gospel Ambassadors

Earlier this month, ANEW Saturday group joined our outdoor worship service, “For God’s Glory, we Fight”, a momentous event to display God’s glory and splendor in the center of Hong Kong. Our Filipina sisters were amazed to see a lot of people of all nations come and worship the Lord with one heart in the Cultural Centre in Tsimshatsui. They boldly took part in preaching the Gospel to other nationalities. Holding up the balloons, they joyfully talked to some new friends, inviting them to the booths with lucky draws and wonderful gifts. Overwhelmed by the spirit of joy, those new […]

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