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Men Return Home in Humility and with Prayer

We did a ground-breaking action during our anniversary service by calling all men who were willing to return home, to come out, to each hold a white flag and kneel before God in confession and repentance of sin. That was a breathtaking scene to behold, and it was totally by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

“One Tree of Life” Starts with Couple’s Relationships

Thank God that during the Pentecost services, He gave us the revelation and calling of “One Tree of Life”. Looking back, it was C-Mo who suggested I share “One Tree of Life” during Pentecost, the day before the services.

Responding to the Calling of “One Tree of Life”

Thank God that after the trip to Mount Sinai, the Holy Spirit led me to receive the calling of “One Tree of Life” and to perceive God’s higher thoughts in the book of Ephesians during the Pentecost services, so that He will be glorified.

Becoming ONE Tree of Life

Last week we connected with all the branch churches online during the Pentecost services, the Holy Spirit gave us a new revelation: God calls us to be ONE Tree of Life.

Encounter God during the trip to Mount Sinai

God had been leading us throughout our trip to Mount Sinai in April. We not only climbed up the mount of the Lord and proclaimed the “Ten Heartified Commandments”, but also found the spot where Moses crossed the Red Sea.

Man, Return Home!

Thank God! Man Return Home (Part 1)was published in 2021. After much effort, after two years, Part 2 has been published on the eve of the 22nd church anniversary.

A Teachable Life

Being teachable doesn’t mean that we pretend to be good – not that we obey on the surface but have our opinion deep down.

Younger Generation Ascending

Last Resurrection Sunday, three young pastors from our Youth Army, Tim, Jackson and Edmond took up the role as the preachers in turn in the five services and preached the message at the Mercy Seat for the first time.

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