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Return to Intimacy

With the coming of spring, everything takes on a fresh look. May I bless all our brothers and sisters in this New Year  hat your family relationships return to intimacy, your spiritual life is renewed day by day and you shall encounter the great joy of new wine overflowing. Before Chinese New Year, we held the “Teen Darlings” party (please see last week’s bulletin) for the teenage children of our staff and MG12 leaders to shower them with love and care as seniors of this big family which we always do. However, this year, we could sense strongly that they had indeed matured – one expressed in […]

Blue Moon over the Sea

It will be a while before “Cruise Carnival ’18” takes place in July, but enrollment is already in full swing. To perfect the programme planning for “Cruise Carnival ’18”, some co-workers purposely joined the debut mainland tour of the cruise on 28th January to experience firsthand of the facilities, activities, itinerary, etc. on board. Praise the Lord for the company of more than twenty co-workers including not only the administrative staff and person-in-charges of respective programmes, but also the core members of Bible School course planning team and the writing team. We made full use of our time on board by working separately, exploring the cruise or holding meetings. […]

The Banquet of Heavenly Kingdom

After the “Pearl Conference”, C-Mo and I have been overwhelmed with all kinds of sentiments, therefore, we spent time giving thanks for God’s Wonderful acts at night

New Jerusalem

The 4-day Pearl Conference ended with deep gratitude, praises and hopes. The second performance of“Pearl Dance”after Sukkot last year still stunned audiences by outstanding dance and songs.

Reclaim Precious Pearls for God

During the Pearl Revival Conference of four consecutive days, our steering committee members and branch church pastors openly shared their life stories

Sand Transformed into Pearl

It was Pastor Jason’s 50th birthday on Wednesday, therefore, C-Mo specially arranged a birthday party for him, inviting MG leaders and his disciples along to give thanks.

Heavenly Kingdom ministry

Recently Taiwan’s top judges have ruled in favour of gay marriage, making it the first place in Asia to legalise samesex marriage. Turning to Europe where ISIS has launched terrorist attack in London after Manchester, one can but feel that darkness is covering the earth.

The Godly Way

We had barely come back from Europe with the steering committee, still recovering from jetlag, but C-Mo wasted no time in hosting “One Way Parent Meeting” in church on Tuesday, the public holiday. With more than 700 attendees, many of them carrying toddlers or children, the meeting was thus highly-spirited.

A New Perspective for the New Year

Year 2015 has come to its end, and it has been a year full of grace from God and gratitude from my heart. 2016 will be a year of a greater Presence of the Lord.

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