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Great Peace in God’s Presence

The church is entering her 19th anniversary; we have been walking in the times and blessings of our heavenly Father. By His Presence, He is leading us forward. God is real which I am largely grateful. In His Presence, there is peace.

2020 Family Upgrade 2.0

At the end of 2019, the Father of “Ling Leung” family, Pastor Nathaniel Chow came and blessed 611 with the message that we shall upgrade in all areas with a thankful heart.

Sight Restored in “Seeing 2020”

On the New Year eve just passed, joined by all MG leaders, we had a retreat on the cruise and celebrated New Year in the strong presence of God.

Entering 2020 Overall Upgrade

Praise the Lord, even though Hong Kong was turbulent in 2019 and our co-workers underwent significant adjustments, by the end of the year, we were feeling exceptionally restful, relaxing and peaceful.

Wonderful Counselor Takes us Forward

After our Europe trip a while back, co-worker couples’ camp was held, followed by the monthly prayer meeting. That same weekend saw the performance of the drama “The King of Love” which brought forth the message of “Be Holy to Triumph”, the life experience of Joshua in the Bible.

God is with Us

Seemed like God was saying that though Hong Kong is in darkness and turmoil, His light shall lead us on, showing us the way out. “But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endur e it.” (1 Co 10:13b)

May Hong Kong Enjoy True Peace

What we desire is for Hong Kong to enjoy true peace, which is the greatest blessing in these circumstances. To have this blessing, we need true light, the Truth and life.

Pray for Hong Kong with one heart

The protests in Hong Kong escalated dramatically last week. The police and protestors broke out in fierce clashes, throwing petrol bombs and tear gas at each other.

Be still, and know that I am God

Finally, C-Mo and I are able to break from months of busy work. Immediately after receiving 32 pastors who came for an indepth visit last Saturday, we flew to Europe.

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