Tending the Lamp in Morning Devotion to Follow God
Since the day I was sent by the Taipei mother church to establish 611 in Hong Kong, I have started morning devotion, and for twenty-four years now, rain or shine, it has never been interrupted.
Since the day I was sent by the Taipei mother church to establish 611 in Hong Kong, I have started morning devotion, and for twenty-four years now, rain or shine, it has never been interrupted.
Each of us is like the Israelites leaving Egypt, complaining as soon as we leave. Even with the pillar of cloud and fire right in front of them,
611 is a cell leader church and discipleship is a mission entrusted to us by God, which is more important than anything else.
The world is saturated with a consumer mentality. Some Christians come to church calculating whether the two hours spent in worship are worthwhile.
We continue reading the book of Egypt in Morning Devotion. The Israelites ate unleavened bread for seven days to observe the Passover.
In Launch 2025, I am thankful to see the young generation under the Tree of Life being launched on God’s track and two generations following God!
It’s “Launch 2025” this year. God’s work is indeed amazing. We happen to be reading Exodus in Morning Devotion
Dear brothers and sisters, Happy New Year in Launch 2025! We are different from the Chinese tradition: regardless of your birth year,
For many years, we have been talking about discipleship, about becoming a Tree of Life and planting Trees of Life everywhere.
However, when we tune in the news, we face with continuous natural disasters and human tragedies. How should we respond to God’s revelation?