Becoming New Wineskins that contain New Wine
In the face of global political turmoil, ongoing wars, and climate change crises, as Hong Kong grapples with the impacts of mass immigration, declining property and stock markets, Read more
Arise and be God’s servant,Hesitate no more!
History is unfolding daily, and where do we find ourselves? Do we find the days harder and darker as the battle against the darkness grows stronger and the people of God suffer more distress? Read more
An integrated vessel shall spearhead the end-times mission
In Acts chapter 8, we read that the church in Jerusalem was facing intense persecution led by Saul. In chapter 9, Saul turned to Christ and his name was changed to Paul. Read more
The heavens and earth are being shaken Only those founded on the rock shall prosper
Throughout 2021, the whole world has been fighting hard against the virus. The whole world is being turned upside down; and the shaking is accelerating. Under this situation, can we endure the test? Read more
Rise to the End Time Great Revival – Now!
2020 is the year when people meet the most unprecedented challenges around the world. But everything is in the hands of God. Read more
Prevail over the pandemic, connect across the globe, End-time harvesting
Then another angel came out of the temple and called in a loud voice to him who was sitting on the cloud, Read more
Kingdom Vessels of the Era
The burden of a nation's rise and fall lays on the priest's shoulders first. When God called the people of Israel to account, Read more
Accelerate the Planting of Tree of Life Everywhere
Last July, 611 Bread of Life Christian Church successfully organized the Cruise Carnival where God wonderfully granted us the vision of "Planting trees of life (churches) everywhere in 52 years". Read more