In 2020, the coronavirus is shaking the whole world, keeping many countries in lockdown, overwhelming the medical system, damaging the aviation business and its related businesses and even affecting the education system to different extent. Some prophecies talked about upcoming plagues after the coronavirus, besides the plague of locust in Africa, wildfires in Australia and severe flooding in China etc. Obviously the End times are drawing close and the day of great revival which accompanies major calamities shall come shortly!
Coming to Hong Kong in January 2020, Pastor Anton Cruz reminded 611 to hold 40-day fasting and prayer every year in the coming 5 years. He also stressed that prayer and media ministries are of highest importance in the coming days. Most likely, we are called to do fasting and prayer every year in the coming five years because the whole world shall face much hardship, we must cry out for God’s mercy and salvation. We are urged to highly regard media ministry, which implies that pandemic will hit us one after the other, then the media team will be a massive help in keeping worship services, equipping courses, discipleship and evangelism going in all circumstances.
By the grace of God, during the pandemic, 611 BOL has held global online live-stream services three times, connecting eastward to Australia and westward to India. Together, we worshipped and confessed sins. Right after that, 611 Leadership Institute had delivered online teaching between April to June so that students from 10 cities including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Dubai were able to complete the course at their respective local churches or at home. We have also received from God that through online Leadership Institutes, pastors and believer-leaders worldwide can be trained up and equipped swiftly during the pandemic when the heart of people is being softened. They will be made ready to partner with the Lord and testify the great revival in the End-times. (Rev 14:15-16)
In 2004, 611 Leadership Institute was established with the vision scriptures from Acts 19:9-10 where it says, “so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus”. Now fifteen years have passed, we are grateful that 611 Leadership Institute have been set up in Hong Kong, Taipei, Kuching and Kuala Lumpur. It has always been on our mind how to let the whole world hear the word of the Lord Jesus. Little did we expect that due to the coronavirus in 2020, thirty churches in ten nations and regions have registered to be live-stream points of online Leadership Institute.
Our beloved family in all nations, if you have the full-time calling, or you are looking for a breakthrough in your full-time ministry, you are greatly welcome to join 611 online Leadership Institute. If you live in Hong Kong and your calling is in the marketplace, you are welcome to sign up for the Joshua Ministry Diploma so that you may be a blessing to your workplace and family. The Spirit of God is to fill you greatly so that you may tread and bless the whole land.