Previously, Pastor Lyan urged all cell leaders, during this pandemic, to be moved with compassion and continue with discipleship.
“So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20) As a cell leader, no matter what circumstances our cell members are facing, we need a heart of compassion from God to continue with discipleship. During the pandemic, some cell members are helpless because their incomes are adversely affected. Besides comforting cell members in empathy, we are to be moved with compassion, and encourage them to take everything happening in their lives with a grateful heart. They shall also thank God for what they still have,
On the other hand, when our cell members encounter hardships, cell leaders are to be moved with compassion and disciple them. In my knowledge, two pairs of couple cell leaders, out of the love for their cell members, opened their homes to the cell members who are suffering from tense marital relationship and going through cancer treatment to stay temporarily. Receiving love and discipleship from cell leaders, these cell members were renewed in strength, and the aforementioned wife was reconciled to her husband. There are many different ways through which cell leaders can help their cell members. The key is to dis ciple with a kind hea rt and build up the life of cell members in love.
“Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed him.”(Matthew 20:34) Being moved with compassion, Jesus touched the lives of the two blind men, and they were healed. In the same way, cell leaders have to imitate Christ. Being moved with compassion, we touch our cell members, and they will be changed.•[2020.09.06]