At the end of 2019, the Father of “Ling Leung” family, Pastor Nathaniel Chow came and blessed 611 with the message that we shall upgrade in all areas with a thankful heart. He mentioned that he already turned 79 and he had been married for 50 years. Looking back the half a century passed, he was largely grateful that he had married a female missionary who at the age of 24, went to Taiwan from the Philippines. Their married life has been full of unknowns and variables, and their two children had settled in the States for ten odd years after study. To them, it was not ideal that the family shall be scattered. Yet realizing that the limited influence of parents on their children, he prays and trusts in God. Surprisingly, their two children returned home one by one. Now, their family of four are pastors. Serving together, they smoothed out their tiridges and their relationships are getting much more intimate with better rapport. This is way beyond his imagination.
Therefore, Pastor Chow believed that as one humbles himself, he is able to be bold and march forward amid all kinds of life variables. In marriage, let us get to know each other a little bit more every day. We shall remind ourselves always that we are not trying to change the other party but ourselves. May we accept the good and bad in the other party, understand our spouse deeper and appreciate our similarities as well as differences. As we complement each other so that we become one, our love and passion shall be boosted. Family-wise, starting from the whole family turning to Christ, then the whole family loving Him and then the whole family serving the Lord; none of these is by our own strength but His Grace. Therefore, family upgrade 2.0 is for us to learn to humble ourselves, change ourselves, give thanks in all circumstances, then in God, we shall experience huge upgrade.•[2020.01.19]