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Life ascends to become new wine

生命昇華成新酒 Life ascends to become new wine Verse: John 20:1-18 1. 不離不棄的渴慕跟隨 (v.1-11a) Steadfast longing and following 2。倒空人意裝載神心意(約20:11b-17,路24:5) Empty one’s own will to be filled with God‘s will 3。讓生命新酒湧流全地 (約20:18,路24:6-10) Let the new wine of life overflow to the whole earth   新酒四部曲 第六講:抹大拉馬利亞的倒空與湧流


新酒四部曲 第六講:抹大拉馬利亞的倒空與湧流

Life ascends to become new wine

1. Steadfast longing and following
2. Empty one’s own will to be filled with God‘s will
3. Let the new wine of life overflow to the whole earth

Jacob became Israel

雅各成以色列 Jacob became Israel Verse: Genesis 25:24-26, 29-34; 27:18-27; 29:13-18; 32:1-2; 22-32 1. 「抓」的雅各 (Gen 25:24-26, 29-34; 27:18-27; 29:13-18) The Jacob who seizes 2. 蒙福得勝的以色列 (Gen 32:1-2; 22-32) The Israel who is blessed and prevailed

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