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A Self-Complacent Church

verse: Revelation 3:14-22 A. Deeds neither cold nor hot v.14-16 1. The Lord searched the Laodicean church: neither cold nor hot  v.14-15 2. The Lord will vomit out the Laodicean church: Lukewarm  v.16 B. Self-Deceptions v.17-18 1. Consider herself rich and perfect  v.17上 2. Do not realize she is wretched and poor  v.17下 3. Make the Lord the source of all things  v.18 C. Take the advice, sit with the Lord  v.19-22 1. Be zealous, and repent v.19 2. Enter the Kingdom of Heaven and sit with the Lord  v.20-21 3. The 7th warning v.22

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