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Miracle Comes with Faith

Verse: Acts 10:1-48 A. Faith with deeds brings down God’s action (v.1-23a) 1. Devout and God-fearing people (v.1-2) 2. God gave vision and direction (v.3-23a) B. Faith to listen brings down God’s Word (v.23b-43) 1. People await and obey (v.23b-33) 2. God gave the Word (v.34-43) a. Breakthrough (v.34-35) b. The Word (v.36) c. The Thing (v.37-38) d. The witness (v.39-43) C. Faith to heed the Word brings down spiritual blessings (v.44-48) 1. Hearing the Word 2. Baptized in the Spirit 3. Baptized in the water 4. All nations are blessed

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