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Tree of Life at the Workplace

Verse: Proverbs 19:1-12; 20-23 1. Not be covetous v. 1-3 a. Walk in integrity and not be afraid of lack v.1 b. Banish the greedy soul v.2 c. Be cautious of becoming someone against God v.3 2. Not relying on friends v. 4-7 a. Wealth attracts false friends v.4a,6 b. Poverty loses close friends v.4b,7 c. Trust God and tell the truth v.5 3. Having God and wisdom in the heart v.8-10 a. Have God in the heart and receive life v.8a,9 b. Cherish understanding and prosper v.8b,10 4. Slow to anger v.11-12 a. Don’t get angry ourselves v.11 b. Don’t make the king angry v.12 5. Listen to advice and become wise v.20-23 a. […]

The Mystery of the Glorious Church

Verse: Ephesians 5:22-33 A. Head up and unite all things under Christ Chosen before the creation of the world 1:4-5 Knowing the mystery of God’s will 1:6-9 As head over all things to the church  1:22-23 B. The glorious church includes us The fellowship of the glorious church  3:5-9 The glorious church glorifies God  3:10 According to His eternal purpose  3:11 C. The glorious church begins with the couple Wife submits to her husband as to the Lord  5:22-24 Husband loves his wife as Christ loves the church  5:25-30 a. Denies himself 5:25 b. Holy and radiant 5:26-27 c. As his own body 5:28-30 […]


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