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The Mystery of the Glorious Church

Verse: Ephesians 5:22-33 A. Head up and unite all things under Christ Chosen before the creation of the world 1:4-5 Knowing the mystery of God’s will 1:6-9 As head over all things to the church  1:22-23 B. The glorious church includes us The fellowship of the glorious church  3:5-9 The glorious church glorifies God  3:10 According to His eternal purpose  3:11 C. The glorious church begins with the couple Wife submits to her husband as to the Lord  5:22-24 Husband loves his wife as Christ loves the church  5:25-30 a. Denies himself 5:25 b. Holy and radiant 5:26-27 c. As his own body 5:28-30 […]


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