Do Not Judge (1)
Verse: James 4:11-17 1. Do not speak against others, but have kindness v.11 John 8:1-11, Matthew 22:37-40 a. Judging people is same as judging the Word of God v.11 Matthew 22:37-40 b. Judging the Word of God is trampling on the Word of God 2. Do not take God’s seat, but humble ourselves v.12 Genesis 16:5, 18:25 ; 1 Samuel 2:25 a. There is only one Judge v.12 b. Who are you? 3. Do not depend on ourselves, but trust God’s grace v.13-17 a. Anyone who boasts is an evil man v.13-16 b. Anyone who knows to do good but doesn’t is a sinner v.17