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Psalm 78

Psalm 77

Psalm 76

Transforming the Land Starts from the Mountain of God

Bible Verse:Micah 4:1-8 A. God’s Mountain heads up all mountains  v.1-2 1.God’s Mountain is the chief of all mountains  v.1 2. All mountains receive teachings from God’s Mountain  v.2 B. God’s Mountain transforms all mountains  v.3-5 1. All mountains will be transformed by submitting to God’s Mountain  v.3-4a 2. God guarantees His Mountain will transform all mountains  v.4b 3. God’s people persist in following God  v.5 C. God’s Mountain will surely reign  v.6-8 1. Remnants will surely return to God’s Mountain  v.6-7 2. Dominion will surely be restored to God’s Mountain  v.8

Ezra 4

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