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Exodus 4

Exodus 3

The Power of Hospitality

Verse: Genesis 18:1-33 Pastor Joshua Cheung 一、蒙神悅納的接待 v.1-8 Hospitality pleasing to God 1.隨時預備的接待 v.1-5 Always ready to host 2.慷慨貴重的接待 v.6-8 Generous and extravagant hospitality 二、帶下恩寵的接待 v.9-15 Hospitality bringing down favor 1.神必回來成就應許 v.9-10; 創世紀 Genesis 21:1-2 God will return to fulfill the promise 2.賜下超越理性的信心 v.11-14 Giving faith beyond reasoning 3.賜下不定罪的恩典 v.15 Giving grace of no-condemnation 三、大有關係的接待 v.16-33 Highly relational Hospitality 1.神看重與人的關係 v.17-21 God values relationship with man 2.神極願聽人的祈求 v.22-23 God truly delights in man’s petition C-Mo Delphine Cheung 一、接待是高階的服事 Hospitality is a high-level ministry 二、讓香港成為真正的「香」港 Let Hong Kong be the real harbour of “Fragrance” 三、接待人才能接待神 Hosting people before hosting God 四、合宜vs不合宜的接待 […]

Acceptable 2019:Jacob who passes on the Promise

Verse:Genesis 35:1-36:8 1. God shows mercy: Walk the path of faith(35:1-8) A. Led by God in desperation v.1 B. Jacob goes up to build the altar v.2-7 C. Freed from the curse of deceiving his father v.8 2. God blesses him: inherit the promises (35:9-15) A. Behold God and receive the promise v.9-13 B. Rebuild the house of God at Bethel v.14-15 3. God protects him: Receive father’s blessing (35:16-36:8) A. Return home non-stop  v.16-26 B.  Reconcile with his father and be blessed v.27-29 C. Esau leaves home for Edom 36:1-8  

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