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All the earth, let us return to God

遍地啊,我們歸向神 All the earth, let us return to God 經文:提後2Ti 3:1-5,13; 箴Pro26:1-3,12; 瑪Mal 4:5-6; 箴Pro3:7-8; 代下2Ch 7:12-16 一、現今是遍地受咒詛的時刻 Now is the time the land is cursed (提後2Ti 3:1-5,13; 箴Pro26:1-3,12; 瑪Mal 4:5-6) 二、現今是遍地得醫治的時刻 Now is the time the land be healed (箴Pro3:7-8, 瑪Mal 4:5-6) 三、現今是遍地回轉尋求神的時刻 Now is the time all the earth returns and seeks God (代下2Ch 7:12-16)

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