Matthew 24
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Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia French
末世中的跟隨神 Following God in the end time (太20:29-34;可10:46,52;路18:43) 1.看見自己看見神 See myself and see God 2.選擇窄門走小路 Choose the narrow gate and narrow path 3.顯明天國大能力 Reveal the mighty power of the Kingdom
末世中的跟隨神 Following God in the end time Verse: Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:46, 52; Luke 18:43 1. 看見自己看見神 See myself and see God 2. 選擇窄門走小路 Choose the narrow gate and narrow path 3. 顯明天國大能力 Reveal the mighty power of the Kingdom