Shekinah Pastoral Care (Shekinah 的牧養) Verse: John 10:1-29 1. Enter the Sheep Pen by the Gate v.1- 3a, 7-10 a. The Shepherd Enters the Sheep Pen by Jesus v.7-8 b. The Sheep that come in and go out through Jesus may have life v.9 – 10 2. Become the Good Shepherd v.3b-5, 11-16 a. Lay Down His life to Protect the Sheep v.11-13 b. Know His Sheep Intimately v.14 – 15 c. Care for those that are Still Outside v .16 3. Enter into a Deeper Relationship v.17-18, 26-29 a. Loved more by the Father v.17 b. More Obedient to God v.18 c. Trusted more by the Sheep v.26-27 d. […]
How God treat us (神怎樣對我們) Verse: Psalms 132 一、大衛對神的心 v.1-10 David’s Heart towards God a.渴想為神尋居所的心 v.1-5 The Heart Longing to seek a dwelling place for God b.渴想為神尋居所的行動 v.6-10 The Action Longing to seek a dwelling place for God 二、神對大衛的心 v.11-18 God’s Heart towards David a.揀選大衛家 v.11-12,17-18 Chose the House of David b.揀選錫安 v.13-16 Chose Zion
Shekinah從家庭開始 (Shekinah Starts Out From A Family) Verse: Gen 1:26-29, 2:8-9, 15, 18; Mat 5:23-24, 18:15-20; 1Pe 3:7 一. Shekinah遍滿全地 創Gen 1:26-29; 2:8-9, 15, 18 Shekinah Fill the Earth 1. 生養眾多 Be Fruitful and Multiply 創Gen1:26 – 29 2. 修理看守 Work and Guard It 創Gen 2:8 – 9 ,15 3. 女人幫助 Help from a Woman 創Gen 2:18 二. Shekinah的次序 太Mat 5:23 – 24 ,18:15 – 20 Shekinah’s Order 1. 先修復關係 Relationship is Restored First 2. 再築壇禱告 Then Build the Prayer Altar 三. Shekinah的階梯 彼前1Pe 3:7 Shekinah’s Ladder 1. 男人認罪 Man Repents 2. 女人感恩 Woman Giving Thanks