Building the New Sanctuary Surely Needs You
Verse: Ezra 4 一.築壇獻祭,神同在 Build the Altar and Offer Sacrifices, God Returns A.按時築壇 Build the Altar at the Appointed Time B.憑信而行 Walk by Faith C.獻屬神的祭 Offer Holy Sacrifices 二.奉獻建殿,神居住 Bring Offerings and Build the Temple, God Dwells A.物質的奉獻 Offer of Our Resources B.力量的奉獻 Offer of Our Talents C.靈的奉獻 Offer of Our Spirit D.魂的奉獻 Offer of Our Soul 三.勝過仇敵,工不停 Overcome the Attacks of enemy, the Work Continues A.洞悉詭計 Understand the Schemes B.面對攻擊 Continus Facing the Attacks C.工程不停 Continue Building