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The New Wine of Christ

經文:馬可福音 Mar 2:13-3:6 一. 渴慕 Hunger 1.多人領受新酒 Many received the new wine 2.謙卑領受新酒 Humbly received the new wine 二. 裝載 Filling 1.突破傳統規定 Breakthrough from the traditional rules 2.認知新郎同在 Acknowledge the Presence of the Bridegroom 3.新皮袋裝新酒 Pour new wine into the new wineskin 三. 湧流 Flowing 1.突破真理的錯解 Correct wrong interpretation of the truth 2.聽從安息日的主 Obey the Lord of the Sabbath 3.讓醫治大大湧流 Let the Healing flow mightily

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