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All Things Are Yours

Verse3: 1Co 3:1-23 一. 跟從聖靈,不跟從世人 v.1-4 Follow the Holy Spirit not the World 1. 脫離嬰兒喝奶期 Grow out of milk-taking Infancy v.1-2 2. 脫離世人的行為 Break away from worldly deeds v.3 3. 脫離世人的想法 Break away from mere human thinking v.4 二. 接受領導,不屬於領袖 v.5-17 Led by Leaders but not of Leaders 1. 領袖的服事算不得甚麼 Services of the leaders are nothing v.5-9 2. 領袖要謹慎服事 v.10-15 Leaders should be careful with their services 3. 建造信徒成為神的殿 v.16-17 Build up people to be God’s temple 三. 領袖屬於教會,教會屬於基督 v.18-23 Leaders are of the Church and the Church of Christ 1. 不自以為有智慧 Do not think we are wise v.18-20 2. 萬有全是你們的 […]

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