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God First, People Second, Then the Earth

God First, People Second, Then the Earth (1st) God First, People Second, Then the Earth Verse : Genesis 1 God, people and the earth all working a. God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it (1:1) b. The heavens and the earth all are working(1:14-19、22、28;2:15) God first, people second, then the earth a. The order: i . God first v.26 ii.  People second v.27 iii. Then the Earth v.28b. The operation: i. God before people ii.  People must follow after God iii. Church before familyc. People before the earth i. People before work ii. Family before workd.Church […]

180° Turn Around to God

Verse:James 4:1-17 1. 180° Turn Around to God from Selfish Desires v.1-6 A. Confess the motivation of selfish desires v.1-3 B. Accept the reproach of following the world v.4-6 2. 180° Run Directly to God with Repentance v.7-10 A. Turn to God to resist the Devil v.7 B.Head onto the highway of repentance v.8-10 3. 180° Straightly Follow God in Life v.11-17 A. Never be the judge to slander others v.11-12 B. Never plan as if God does not exist v.13-17

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