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Hosea 13

Bahasa Indonesia

Hosea 12

Bahasa Indonesia

Malachi 3

Bahasa Indonesia

Malachi 2

Bahasa Indonesia

Life integrated, the whole family ascends

生命整合,一家團圓齊上升 Life integrated, the whole family ascends 一、問題家庭,仍蒙神保守 (創Gen 37:1-11,28) Problematic family is still protected by God 二、靠神上升,全家得昌盛 (創Gen 39:9,41:15-16,41:37-52) Ascend by God, the whole family prospers 三、饒恕和好,祝福遍全族 (創Gen 45:1-15,47:11-12) Forgive and reconcile, blessings reach the whole clan

Life integrated, the whole family ascends

1. Problematic family is still protected by God
2. Ascend by God, the whole family prospers
3. Forgive and reconcile, blessings reach the whole clan

Judges 7

Tagalog Bahasa Indonesia

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