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Romans 2

Bahasa Indonesia

Hosea 13

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Hosea 12

Bahasa Indonesia

Malachi 3

Bahasa Indonesia

Malachi 2

Bahasa Indonesia

Life integrated, the whole family ascends

生命整合,一家團圓齊上升 Life integrated, the whole family ascends 一、問題家庭,仍蒙神保守 (創Gen 37:1-11,28) Problematic family is still protected by God 二、靠神上升,全家得昌盛 (創Gen 39:9,41:15-16,41:37-52) Ascend by God, the whole family prospers 三、饒恕和好,祝福遍全族 (創Gen 45:1-15,47:11-12) Forgive and reconcile, blessings reach the whole clan

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